Okay, guys, here I come again with the next load of reviews! *wink wink* told you I was not idle!!
I decided that the Rock Chick lot will be next and not today cuz there are just so MANY of them and obvio, I LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!! but these are also quite interesting! Enjoy and see you tomorrow! Oh by the way, I didn't have the time to sleep today after all and was so focused on getting these reviews set even with the frustrating internet troubles...that I forgot to sleep!
Flat-Out Love by Jessica Park
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I do not know where to begin with this one because whether its the start, the middle or the end, all of it's pretty much incredible !! I loved the quirkiness throughout it and Celeste is what made me love the book. There have been tons of reviews already describing how the plot amazed everyone and how original it was. For me, when I first read this book I had never known anything like it because it was smart quirky and refreshing- not the boring routine of attending keg parties with dumb pretty friends-for-namesake, getting asked out by the most popular guy at school and fluttering those eyelashes just to get dumped for what seemed like an obvious reason from the start, etc... This book is definitely NOT that. Now there was just one thing that poked me- (view spoiler) Another one of my gripes was that why hadn't Roger been given that same all-round character like the others? Also why did Julie keep avoiding to find out how Celeste got the way she had been?? And if Julie wants the chink-in-the-armoured boy with flaws how does she know Seth isn't one?? But I could easily overlook them and I'd already read this one thrice before FLAT OUT MATT came out. The first time, I couldn't understand why Julie goes back to Matt even after his deception if she has such a huge problem with it because I was not seeing this from Matt's point of view but after the novella, I was screaming at her to see the light and stop the drama already! I'm ashamed to admit that I was completely fan-girling!!! And still am- SQUEEEE!!! MATT!!
So Miss Jessica Park you've won me over! Please give me another one soon, okay??
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Flat-Out Matt by Jessica Park
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
WHOOP WHOOP!!! I was swooning and fan-girling, quite a tread off the normal path for me! I, of course LOVED Flat Out Love and to read some of the points from Matt's point of view helped to actually round the book for me rather than how other sequels just disappoint and repeat the prequel in a demented (at least according to me) perspective, like, Walking Disaster .... Ah well, this book changed my understanding of Matt although, yes, I did feel it was a bit high on the melodrama but ,I felt more sympathetic towards Matt and how he was feeling because of all that dysfunction. The conversation between Finn and Matt during their trek seemed nostalgic, heart-warming but there was something missing, I felt.. I have to admit it was real to a point and I have to admit, I fell in love with Matt- all the parts of him... *sheepish grin*
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The Future of Us by Jay Asher
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I was really honestly intrigued by this concept but i dunno how it happened but maybe cuz it was two authors collaborating that it made the characters flat and one dimensional. Like, Emma was this child of Divorced parents feeling neglect and also when she discovered Facebook she bought the 'Future' concept really fast and became obsessed with twisting it according to her wishes which i found pathetic. Then there was Josh and for me he saved the book COMPLETELY! I loved him right off the bat and he simply kept getting better and better, I especially loved that moment when he sat contemplating his vague sketches and faced his feelings regarding Sydney. There were no cliches/stereotypes except for Emma. Also I expected the concept of being able to browse a website created in the future to be explained a LOT better than it was. What kept me reading was how their actions in the present immediately caused 'ripples' and changed the future.
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My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I go, 'Awwwwwwww!' When I remember this book anytime, anywhere and thinking of it never fails to make me smile! Of course, it's all because of the romance!!! *giggles* I am not much of a believer in happy endings and romances that sweep you off your feet but with this book, for some bizarre reason, I wanted it to be a happy-ending and to let it sweep me off my feet! Yes, I see that expression on your face, I know !! I loved Samantha but it was George who was the star of the show!! Oh GEORGE ! Now, Samantha Reed's family and their next-door-neighbours, the Garretts are as similar as the sun and the moon. That's why Samantha had always been fascinated by them even after hearing all her mother's taunts regarding them. She saw something that she never got in her family- Love (I know it sounds cheesy but even reality can sometimes be corny even if it is true!) The kind of chaos and disorder with this love is also hypnotizing because even if the Garretts have problems they fare them together and love each other openly, the kind of love that is hard to find. As Jase (the wonderful animal-geek!! *squeels*) falls into Samantha's life like the first snow- quiet but momentous, changing her perspective completely. Their romance is easy, real and earthy. It captivated me in absolution. The Reeds and the Garretts felt like opposites of a town; thrown together, like artifice and reality. It felt jarring but weaved harmoniously because of Fitzpatrick's writing. Damn I hated it, when tragedy struck and (view spoiler) But if anything, the ending was even more in the realm of reality. I came to, if not like, then at least to understand Samantha's mother.
It's a dreaming girl's coming-of-age story in the most real way possible without an ounce of drama (which factor is used to spice up any ordinary story, these days and thus, has become monotonous... But, PEOPLE, there is an extra in every ordinary!!) and it still managed to clutch my heart tightly! Great read!
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I wanted to put on the Kristen Ashley reviews but then to do them in bulk is better, no? I can rant at length like that! ^_^ There are so many more books and mangas I wanna get into but I dunno if I can put them up fast but we'll see... Wish me luck with the internet conn.!! Oh and on a side note one of my profs went to T.O.K.Y.O. 'Nough said. Because I CAN NOT STOP SCREAMING!!! ( even when my lil sis looks at me like I've gone mad. Again, 'Nough. Said.) *still. screaming.* I envy that guy and i kept reading and re-reading his entry... *again. with. the. screaming.* Ok, giving you (and myself) a break. Good Morning everyone.
I decided that the Rock Chick lot will be next and not today cuz there are just so MANY of them and obvio, I LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!! but these are also quite interesting! Enjoy and see you tomorrow! Oh by the way, I didn't have the time to sleep today after all and was so focused on getting these reviews set even with the frustrating internet troubles...that I forgot to sleep!
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I do not know where to begin with this one because whether its the start, the middle or the end, all of it's pretty much incredible !! I loved the quirkiness throughout it and Celeste is what made me love the book. There have been tons of reviews already describing how the plot amazed everyone and how original it was. For me, when I first read this book I had never known anything like it because it was smart quirky and refreshing- not the boring routine of attending keg parties with dumb pretty friends-for-namesake, getting asked out by the most popular guy at school and fluttering those eyelashes just to get dumped for what seemed like an obvious reason from the start, etc... This book is definitely NOT that. Now there was just one thing that poked me- (view spoiler) Another one of my gripes was that why hadn't Roger been given that same all-round character like the others? Also why did Julie keep avoiding to find out how Celeste got the way she had been?? And if Julie wants the chink-in-the-armoured boy with flaws how does she know Seth isn't one?? But I could easily overlook them and I'd already read this one thrice before FLAT OUT MATT came out. The first time, I couldn't understand why Julie goes back to Matt even after his deception if she has such a huge problem with it because I was not seeing this from Matt's point of view but after the novella, I was screaming at her to see the light and stop the drama already! I'm ashamed to admit that I was completely fan-girling!!! And still am- SQUEEEE!!! MATT!!
So Miss Jessica Park you've won me over! Please give me another one soon, okay??
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
WHOOP WHOOP!!! I was swooning and fan-girling, quite a tread off the normal path for me! I, of course LOVED Flat Out Love and to read some of the points from Matt's point of view helped to actually round the book for me rather than how other sequels just disappoint and repeat the prequel in a demented (at least according to me) perspective, like, Walking Disaster .... Ah well, this book changed my understanding of Matt although, yes, I did feel it was a bit high on the melodrama but ,I felt more sympathetic towards Matt and how he was feeling because of all that dysfunction. The conversation between Finn and Matt during their trek seemed nostalgic, heart-warming but there was something missing, I felt.. I have to admit it was real to a point and I have to admit, I fell in love with Matt- all the parts of him... *sheepish grin*
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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I was really honestly intrigued by this concept but i dunno how it happened but maybe cuz it was two authors collaborating that it made the characters flat and one dimensional. Like, Emma was this child of Divorced parents feeling neglect and also when she discovered Facebook she bought the 'Future' concept really fast and became obsessed with twisting it according to her wishes which i found pathetic. Then there was Josh and for me he saved the book COMPLETELY! I loved him right off the bat and he simply kept getting better and better, I especially loved that moment when he sat contemplating his vague sketches and faced his feelings regarding Sydney. There were no cliches/stereotypes except for Emma. Also I expected the concept of being able to browse a website created in the future to be explained a LOT better than it was. What kept me reading was how their actions in the present immediately caused 'ripples' and changed the future.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Wow!! sure didn't see that coming... Marie Lu has gotten me hooked! I read both the books back to back and now am hungry for the last one! Break-neck pace, action, romance and a new perspective in familiar wrappings... It's reminiscent of Hunger Games in so many respects and yet Marie Lu has a distinct style that is believable and sympathetic. I loved this book even when some of the finer points sometimes, disgruntled my pace. Hope she writes more!
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Hmmm WOW. And I mean that not in the amazed sort of sense but the more horrific one. This book talks about (view spoiler) and sexual abuse, both of which topics are very rare and impossibly hard to get a hold of. I came across this one while searching for real and non-romantic or gritty stories and this plot promised so much that I was eager (because it was before I knew about the (view spoiler) tone of this book) to get started. Personally, I have not read (view spoiler) except in mangas and stuff so for me this was a disturbing and gigantic first without the knowledge that I was reading this topic. I will specify that, yes , I'm traditional in these kind of matters and dislike to read about (view spoiler) . But when the book throws a curve-ball at you, you've gotta hit it because when you realise it's a curve, you have rather no other choice but to hit it. It did take me time to finish it and wrap my head around Coley's voice and her words but it's fine. After finishing I was torn because it was sort of good but also really bad... *pursed lips*
Eh, moving on, I didn't get any other palpable emotions except shame- an enormous amount of shame, and angst. I understand that, empathize and sympathize but some things pushed me back from feeling more and with such serious topics I expected more grit and emotion or even drama *shrugs*. The pace was at first, strange like being suspended and then it went so fast that at the end, it was like, 'BAM! And it's done.' I didn't agree with that. It felt that Coley was finally, finally , at the breaking point of the abuse she had suffered and had snapped. I think some character development or depth in secondary characters like Reece was lacking. It seemed like a snippet from a good song was cut and made to be heard as an individual melody. There was potential but maybe, Scott couldn't grasp it wholly? The thing with books based on these sort of topics is that it depends on the author. If someone else had taken this up, the story would have been drastically different because the thoughts on such premises scatter off in too many different tangents when you try to dissect them; these topics are made up of so many tiny but nonetheless-important-in-their-own-right particles and separate authors choose separately unique ways to take it up and keep it going. But I commend the amazing effort from Scott to bring to life such a story without overwhelming the readers and look forward to her writing because she has a certain knack of colouring teenage voices.
Eh, moving on, I didn't get any other palpable emotions except shame- an enormous amount of shame, and angst. I understand that, empathize and sympathize but some things pushed me back from feeling more and with such serious topics I expected more grit and emotion or even drama *shrugs*. The pace was at first, strange like being suspended and then it went so fast that at the end, it was like, 'BAM! And it's done.' I didn't agree with that. It felt that Coley was finally, finally , at the breaking point of the abuse she had suffered and had snapped. I think some character development or depth in secondary characters like Reece was lacking. It seemed like a snippet from a good song was cut and made to be heard as an individual melody. There was potential but maybe, Scott couldn't grasp it wholly? The thing with books based on these sort of topics is that it depends on the author. If someone else had taken this up, the story would have been drastically different because the thoughts on such premises scatter off in too many different tangents when you try to dissect them; these topics are made up of so many tiny but nonetheless-important-in-their-own-right particles and separate authors choose separately unique ways to take it up and keep it going. But I commend the amazing effort from Scott to bring to life such a story without overwhelming the readers and look forward to her writing because she has a certain knack of colouring teenage voices.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I go, 'Awwwwwwww!' When I remember this book anytime, anywhere and thinking of it never fails to make me smile! Of course, it's all because of the romance!!! *giggles* I am not much of a believer in happy endings and romances that sweep you off your feet but with this book, for some bizarre reason, I wanted it to be a happy-ending and to let it sweep me off my feet! Yes, I see that expression on your face, I know !! I loved Samantha but it was George who was the star of the show!! Oh GEORGE ! Now, Samantha Reed's family and their next-door-neighbours, the Garretts are as similar as the sun and the moon. That's why Samantha had always been fascinated by them even after hearing all her mother's taunts regarding them. She saw something that she never got in her family- Love (I know it sounds cheesy but even reality can sometimes be corny even if it is true!) The kind of chaos and disorder with this love is also hypnotizing because even if the Garretts have problems they fare them together and love each other openly, the kind of love that is hard to find. As Jase (the wonderful animal-geek!! *squeels*) falls into Samantha's life like the first snow- quiet but momentous, changing her perspective completely. Their romance is easy, real and earthy. It captivated me in absolution. The Reeds and the Garretts felt like opposites of a town; thrown together, like artifice and reality. It felt jarring but weaved harmoniously because of Fitzpatrick's writing. Damn I hated it, when tragedy struck and (view spoiler) But if anything, the ending was even more in the realm of reality. I came to, if not like, then at least to understand Samantha's mother.
It's a dreaming girl's coming-of-age story in the most real way possible without an ounce of drama (which factor is used to spice up any ordinary story, these days and thus, has become monotonous... But, PEOPLE, there is an extra in every ordinary!!) and it still managed to clutch my heart tightly! Great read!
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I wanted to put on the Kristen Ashley reviews but then to do them in bulk is better, no? I can rant at length like that! ^_^ There are so many more books and mangas I wanna get into but I dunno if I can put them up fast but we'll see... Wish me luck with the internet conn.!! Oh and on a side note one of my profs went to T.O.K.Y.O. 'Nough said. Because I CAN NOT STOP SCREAMING!!! ( even when my lil sis looks at me like I've gone mad. Again, 'Nough. Said.) *still. screaming.* I envy that guy and i kept reading and re-reading his entry... *again. with. the. screaming.* Ok, giving you (and myself) a break. Good Morning everyone.
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